News from product management
Launch of the web app: The e-mergency web app brings the e-mergency emergency app and the emergency app for schools to the desktop, making it the ideal addition for desktop workstations. The web app offers the same content and functions as the mobile app. It can be opened via standard browsers and is optimised for desktop devices. The web app is ready to use after a one-off registration. With the appropriate settings authorisation, alarm messages are displayed as web push even when the web app is not open.
New web cockpit: Over the last few months, we have been busy with a comprehensive technology migration that will form the basis for future developments. As a result of this migration, the web cockpit (new: Admin Web) will have a new look. The customised installations will be migrated to the new technology by Christmas. All functions will remain the same, only the design will gradually change and modernise.
Alarm server enhancements: The alarm server has been extensively expanded in parallel with the technology migration and, in addition to targeted escalation and flexible acknowledgement options, now also offers functions for role-specific trigger authorisation, IP whitelisting and further connection options for third-party systems.
SCIM interface: It has recently become possible to synchronise users via the SCIM protocol and thus set up automated user synchronisation from other systems, such as Azure Active Directory.
Optimised email registration: The entire registration process in the mobile and web app is now also possible with an email address. The registration process for app users has been further simplified using personalised QR codes.
Departure of Patrik Theiler: Patrik Theiler left e-mergency AG at the end of September 2024 as the final step in the succession plan completed in 2022. We would like to thank Patrik for his tireless commitment to e-mergency and his significant influence in product development. Patrik laid the foundation for the success of e-mergency AG and put the company on a very solid footing. We wish Patrik all the best for the future. Laura Nägeli has taken over Patrik's role in Product Management and will ensure the company's further development with the help of her extensive knowledge and experience.
Our new website: We have been working hard behind the scenes on our new website since the beginning of the year and finally launched it in the summer. In addition to visual modernisation, the focus of the redesign was primarily on improving clarity.
New customers: e-mergency continues to grow and is constantly welcoming new customers, which makes us very happy. This year, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Emmi Schweiz AG and TX Group AG were among those who were enthusiastic about our solution.
We look forward to your feedback!
If you have any questions or suggestions about our news, please contact us.